TAEBC member Dan Miller, Manager of Industrial Partnerships and Economic Development at ORNL, just returned from a successful visit to the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Summit in DC early this week.

ORNL’s Mike Paulus networks with Chris Faranetta of HyerV Technologies Corp at the TAEBC/ORNL table during the State & International Networking Event at the ARPA-E Summit.
Miller and ORNL represented TAEBC in the State & International Networking Event portion of the Summit, which provided a forum for state-based, regional and international agencies to connect and showcase progress in advancing technologies into future clean energy solutions.
Dr. Mike Paulus, ORNL Director of Technology Transfer, joined Miller at the TAEBC/ORNL table. The team reported that the reception provided an excellent opportunity to showcase TAEBC and ORNL’s joint efforts in strengthening the state’s advanced energy economy.
Other organizations at the event included: California Energy Commission (CEC); Clean Energy Trust; Energy Excelerator; KIC InnoEnergy, European Union; Massachusetts Clean Energy Center; New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan; North Carolina Board of Science, Technology and Innovation; Oregon BEST; and Rev1 Ventures for Columbus.
An annual energy innovation summit hosted by the US Department of Energy, ARPA-E offers a look at America’s future energy technologies, highlighting cutting-edge technologies across all energy sectors. ARPA-E is designed to bring expert entrepreneurs and researchers together for collaboration, sharing tangible innovations and inspiring investment opportunities.
Featured speakers during this year’s summit included: Dr. Ernest Moniz, Secretary of Energy, US Department of Energy; Gina McCarthy, Administrator, US Environmental Protection Agency; Former Vice President Al Gore; US Senators Lisa Murkowski, Chris Coons; US Representative Bill Foster; and Dr. Sophie Vandebroek, Chief Technology Officer with Xerox.

Knoxville’s Local Motors car on display in the Technology Showcase portion of the ARPA-E Summit.
Tennessee-based technologies on display during the conference included Knoxville’s Local Motors, with a car featured in the Technology Showcase.
For more information about ARPA-E, arpa-e.energy.gov.